报告题目:Understanding Human Behaviors from Interactions
报告人:Dr. Lina Yao
University of New South Wales, AU
主持人:郭斌 教授
Internet of Things enables the connections and integration of physical world and virtual world. A vast amount of interactive data between human and the real world being created by diverse sensing sources can be readily collected. Such growing interconnections powered with intelligent approaches open up a new world of broader possibilities and innovations with a deeper understanding of human behaviors. It enables a wide range of challenging but promising applications which have great potential on impacting people’s daily lives in many realms such as recommendation systems, Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), assistive living and Smart Cities, etc.
In this talk, I will introduce the research efforts from my team on understanding human behaviors based on our research experiences in order to take actions on the situations and improve decision-making process, present real-world application examples and discuss the future research directions.
Dr. Lina Yao is a Senior Lecturer with University of New South Wales, Australia. She received her doctoral degree from University of Adelaide in July 2014. Her current main research interest lies in data mining and machine learning applications with focus on Internet of Things, Brain Computer Interface, Human Activity Recognition and Recommender System. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious journals and top international conferences in the areas of data mining, machine learning and intelligent systems including ACM CACM, ACM CUSR, IEEE TMC, ACM TIST, IEEE TKDE, ACM TKDD, ACM TOIT, PR, IEEE ICDM, ACM Ubicomp, AAAI, SIGIR, IJCAI and CIKM. She has been actively engaged in professional services by serving as conference organizers, conference PC members for AAAI, IJCAI, CIKM, Percom and reviewer for several reputed journals such as ACM TOIS, IEEE TKDE, ACM TKDD, ACM TOSN, WWW, etc. She is the recipient of prestigious Australia Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) and recognized as Inaugural Vice Chancellor's Women's Research Excellence